Sunday, May 3, 2009

Pup Cup

This weekend was Pup cup, enough said. Peer pressure, peer pressure, peer pressure. Pup cup is a weekend at Assumption, similar to spring weekend. There is a carnival with games and events and a barbeque all day long. Many students also drink, drink, drink, all day and all night for this event. The big day is Saturday.

Saturday mornings are my one night out of the week where I can sleep in all morning and afternoon long. My friends know I hate when people wake me up, but they decided to wake me up any way at 11:00. Seems like a resasonable time but I usually sleep until 12 and get out of bed at about 1.

At least there was a reason for Liz to wake me up: Breakfast at the Gold Star Diner. I wanted to tell her to leave so I could roll over and go to sleep, but with the peer pressure of her and some of the other girls, I had to get up. With the flick of the lights, there was no way I was going to fall back asleep. They said they did not want to waste the beautiful day away, it was pup cup so we had to get back to go to the events, and the food is cheap and delicious. This was the only thing getting me out of bed on Saturday morning.

It was well worth it. The food was great and cheap, perfect for a college student. We got back to campus and of course we do not do work, instead we go to the carnival. We thought we would only be there for an hour or so but we were there the whole day. No time or excuses to leave and do work. With finals week coming up, that was probably not a good choice, but it was pup cup, no work. After a nice meal at the barbeque, the night was only beginning and of course, we are all peer pressured to go out and again, no work!