Sunday, March 22, 2009

St. Patricks Day Adventures

This week was full of peer pressure for me. Let’s start with Tuesday night which was also Saint Patrick’s Day. Students will go to any extreme as well as any excuse to go out and party. Whether it is a birthday or a holiday there is usually something going on. I was not planning on going out on Tuesday night. I was just going to stay in and get a good night sleep because I had to get up early to go to City View Elementary School for my observation hours. I went to the gym from 6-7 and by the time I got back…all of my friends changed their minds to go out. Fifteen minutes later, I was also going out for the night. I had to wake up at 9 which did not seem bad at the time, until the next morning. I went to school then had Ethics class at 1:30. Unfortunately, I took a nap after school at 11:30 and was not up until 2:30, I had slept through my class! I am lucky that it was not an important class to miss.

If this was a class that I would have missed a lot, I would be in trouble. This happens to students all around where they miss their classes because they don’t feel like it, can’t or get peer pressured to do it. By skipping class, it only detriments your grade and sets you back in a class. If this is a recurrence, by the time a big assignment, such as a paper is assigned, the student will be lost or confused. These are only a few causes of plagiarism. When a student misses too many classes, they become lost and when they are lost or confused what makes sense to them but to plagiarize? I would never do this but students are already tight on time and when they have to sit at their computer and write on a subject they are not knowledgeable on, it is much easier to just type their subject into Google and see what papers they can find which fit their assignment.

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